Once all of the graphic assets were completed I started to make an initial animatic using Adobe Animate. This was to visually map out where all of the assets were going and how each scene was going to look like.
Scene 01: house intro
The first scene I started with was the house intro scene. The purpose of this scene is to introduce the animation title, we meet Peanut and see that he is leaving his house and going somewhere. 
The shot opens with the title, Peanut, then we can see the scene through the words. The title fades into the scene. We zoom in to this house and Peanut opens the door, goes down the steps and starts walking out of the shot. We zoom out just as he is walking past the shot, just missing him leaving the scene as it goes back to a shot of the house for a second or two, ending the first scene. 
Scene 02: park walkthrough
The park walkthrough scene's purpose is to show the viewer that peanut is walking through a park, unknowing to the viewer that it is actually a memorial park. We follow Peanut through a series of nature filled beautiful shots, showcasing the peace, brightness and splendour of the park. From the beginning we see peanut is going somewhere, the park scene keeps following Peanut on his journey and keeps the viewer at a similar pace. 
The shots were designed to act as one big movement with different elements of Peanut showing in them. We see him walk in park, into the distance on the first shot, flowing through the trees in the second, wandering through the wildflowers in the third and finally arriving at his destination in the final shot, the bench.
I wanted the viewer to feel like they were almost going on this walk through the park themselves and be emersed in the slow movement of the flowers and the movement from shot to shot.
Scene 03: bench scene
The bench scene is where we discover where Peanut was walking to. From the opening scene to all of the woodland walkthrough this is where it leads to. The viewer at this point should be confused why Peanut is talking to this tree and should be wondering what's going on. The seasons change before our eyes and we can see by how close Peanut sits, his constant gaze, and how he gently holds the leaves of the tree that it clearly holds some meaning beyond what we know for now. 
I initially had a different idea for the changing of the seasons (can be seen in the animatic) after feedback and working through the scenes I decided to go with a fade transition as I felt that it is softer to show the changing seasons and visually has a relaxing quality. I felt a lot of the movement was lost due to this change so I added some moving elements such as the Autumn leaves, Winter snow etc. to balance the scene. ​​​​​​​
Scene 04: interior scene
This scene is the moment where the viewer discovers that Peanut had a wife, they had a wonderful happy life together, she died and a tree was planted in honour of her memory at the park. I designed the photos to represent major stages in life, meeting people, graduating, purchasing a house and getting married. Each photo holds a strong representation of those moments. The goal is for the viewer to relate to those moments and uncover that Peanut had a whole life that we are almost reliving through the photo montage.
After the photo frames I was thinking how could I easily and clearly explain that Peanut's wife had died. I was researching green burials and memorial parks, and planting trees in memory of a loved one. I discovered that one company provides a plaque stating that a tree has been planted in memory of your loved one, I knew this was exactly what I was looking for and incorporated it into the scene. I also included a memorial card to further emphasise that Peanut had suffered a loss and wanted to create a feeling of well wishes and support for peanut, encouraging the viewer to relate and empathise more with the character.
The scene cuts to a view of the living room from the outside window. I decided to add the window element because I wanted to make the moment very enclosed and private, the viewer can see clearly what is happening but at a comfortable distance. They are prevented from being too close in the room to Peanut but also sitting far away enough to feel like they cannot intervene to help peanut. 
Peanut is holding a glass of water, we see him sitting comfortably in his chair gazing out at the moonlit night. He suddenly drops the water glass and calmly falls back into the chair and does not move any further. The purpose of this is to show peanut has died. This scene is built upon when we cut to the outside view of the house. the days pass and a black wreath is placed on the front door, confirming Peanut is dead.
Scene 05: back to park
After scene 04 where Peanut dies the next scene we are taken back to the park. The screen moves left to reveal a sign on the rock saying "Memorial Park" this is to clarify that this is not just a normal park it is a memorial park. We go back through the woodland walkthrough scenes but this time the shots have no movement. This is to show the difference between when Peanut was walking through the park and there was movement, now Peanut is gone so the movement through the woodland has silenced.
Scene 06: New tree grows
This is the final scene in the animation. After we go through the park scene again we are taken back to the bench area, this time we move further right and see a new tree growing. The wreath beside this new tree is the same wreath that was on peanuts door helping make the connection between his passing and this new tree. 
This scene is similar to the previous changing of the seasons but the main focus is on the two growing trees. They are purposefully separated at planting and as the seasons and time progress they grow closer together, touching leaves. This is to represent that their bond and life continues to exist and be felt after they have passed on. 
The small glimpse of their hands holding each other in the leaves further adds to this idea and makes it have a lasting impression of what this whole story is about. ​​​​​​​
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